• How does it clean and sanitise water without adding chemicals?
  • Are there any chemical residues?
  • Is it safe?
  • How scalable is the system?
How does it clean and sanitise water without adding chemicals?

This technology works by generating its own oxygen and ozone from the atmosphere and injecting these gases into ultra-fine bubbles. Hydroxyl radicals are formed when the bubbles collapse under the pressure of the water. Ozone as an oxidising agent is 50 times stronger than Chlorine, the most common method for sanitising water. Hydroxyl radicals, in turn are 2,000 times stronger than Ozone. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of the water is lifted which lifts the Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) providing ongoing protection/health of the water.

Are there any chemical residues?

The only byproduct of the process is raised level of oxygen which is highly beneficial for ongoing water quality. The process leaves no damaging ecological footprint as chlorine and other chemicals may do.

Is it safe?

Hydroxyl radicals are non-toxic to people, animals and plants. They attack single cell organisms through a process called cell lysing which occurs when a hydroxyl electric charge comes into contact with and ruptures the single cell organisms cell membrane, killing it.

Hydro2050 does not use any additional chemicals other than the oxygen and ozone generated by the unit. This means no chemical handling and storage concerns,  and no concerns about  leaving any potentially harmful residue.

The only byproduct is increased oxygen which is highly beneficial for the water.

How scalable is the system?

Hydro units’ range in output size from 15,000L/hr and can be modularised to handle much larger throughput.

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